Monday 5 January 2015

Hello 2015

Happy New Year everyone! I'm back in the studio today after a lovely couple of weeks off. I can't believe Heart Vintage is one already!

Some of you may know I also work as a graphic designer within the fashion industry for over ten years now. Although I design full time I feel like I need another creative outlet, especially as I've always been fond of home decor. With a passion for vintage & up-cycling Heart Vintage was launched.

I'm a massive list maker, I've got pretty notebooks full of them...starting a business I made a list of aims, things I wanted to achieve in the first year....

To start a blog and maybe design a website - I managed to do both although I'm not the most confident writer I do try my best, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors :) I wanted to create a diary more for my own benefit, but if others enjoy reading it it's a bonus. And the website, it's pretty basic for now but I'm super thrilled I did it all on my own (with the help of Google of course).

To get a Twitter account and actually use it - done! and my aim is definitely to tweet more in 2015...I was surprised at how many orders and enquiries I get from Twitter, as well as Instagram I couldn't live without either now!

To open an online shop - I have two...Etsy & Big Cartel. Both are doing well, in 2015 I'll be added lots of new products and designs.

To attend a Craft Fair with my wares - I attended a few, Selina Lakes Handmade Fete being my highlight. I remember being so nervous and excited at the same time. I was silly to be nervous though, as soon as I arrived everyone made me feel right at home, I learnt so much and had so much fun! I'm hoping to attend lots more this year.

Those aims were all achieved over 2014 along with some pretty big surprises which I never expected to happen in my first year of launching.....

Stockists - I never dreamt of having a stockist in my first year and now I have three...I didn't push for these they organically happened which was great. I'm so happy to work with like minded, supportive stockists, I'm looking forward to working on new ideas over the next year with these fab people.

A Photoshoot - I wanted to have a range of piccies to use on social network to promote my wares as well as to upload to my website. Although I'm quite good with a camera I know someone who is far better!!! Linda and I had a great day styling, looking forward to the next one!

Press - to have my designs written about and photographed is pretty bloody exciting. I've had some lovely feedback...I can't wait to see Heart Vintage is more press this year.

So what will 2015 bring...fingers crossed more of the same. But of course I wouldn't be able to do any of this without my lovely customers, followers, stockist, friends & family. Thanks for making a dream come true, leaving comments, reposted piccies, retweeting and for keeping me sane (well kind of). 2014 was my warm up year I have a feeling 2015 is going to be pretty special!

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