Saturday 4 October 2014

Heart Vintage has a website!

So I launched my shop, started a blog and attended some amazing events so far with Heart Vintage. It made sense the next step would be to have a website. Using Blogger for my blog I thought it would be fairly easy for me to use a basic template to launch a website. The templates are very 'bloggy' looking so I needed to alter this to make be more like a website homepage. CSS & HTML codes sorted this little issue out....I never even knew what these were a few months back. Although at times I got a little frustrated, being a graphic designer I knew how I wanted it to look I just needed the programme to do what I wanted. I'm really happy with the result, the photos from my photoshoot look perfect against the clean layout and simple fonts. I've also added some customer testimonials, such lovely words, I can't quite believe they're talking about my product, it makes all the hard work worth while. In the future I'm hoping to add lots of vintage home & fashion inspiration and 'mend & make do' page. The website will go live later this week, yay!!

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